Cronic obstructive pulmonary disease is totally curable through my ayurvedic treatment.. 4 to 8 month medicines as per severity of disease and my suggested do's and don't and parhez... Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; abbreviate d as COPD is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes obstruction of airflow from the lungs. The symptoms of this condition include difficulty in breathing, cough, sputum production, fatigue and wheezing. It is caused due to long term exposure to toxic gases and cigarette smoke. A person is at greater risk of developing heart disease, lung cancer and other respiratory tract condition; if he/she has COPD. COPD is categorized under ‘Shwasa roga’ of the ayurveda text. When a person consumes oily, sour, salty food; is addicted to smoking and is exposed to polluted air, the channels of the respiratory tract become obstructed and mucus gets collected in those channels. This obstruction is caused due to accumulation of Kapha dosha and ama in th...