Rheumatoid Arthritis

RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS is now-a-days a commonest disorder occurring due to changes in the lifestyle. On 
the basis of sign and symptoms, it can be correlated with Amavata described in Ayurveda.Amavata is one of the commonest disorders caused by the impairment of agni, formation of ama and vitiation of vata.As in Ayurveda, treatment is aimed towards complete cure from disease leading to reversal to healthy state and not merely the absence of symptoms, it has best answers to many diseases where modern medical science fails togive results. Amavata can be a best example. Ayurvedic treatment of Amavataleads to break in pathogenesis of the disease and hence provides complete cure. The treatment is safer, cost effective and traditionally proven. The case described in this article cannot prove it concretely as there’s no large data, but it can be helpful to show path towards the Ayurvedic management of 
Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Dosha: Tridosha (Vata dominated) 
Vyaktisthana: Sandhi
Dushya: Ras, Mamsa, Asthi, Majja. 
Rogamarga: Madhyama
Adhisthana: Sandhi, hridaya 
VyadhiAvastha: Jeerna
Samuthana: Ama-Pakvashya 
Agni: Manda
Srotas: Rasvaha, annavahaAsthivaha, 
Majjavaha, Udakavaha, Mutravaha, Purishavaha.

In Ayurveda, Rheumatoid Arthritis can be taken parallel to Amavata. Hence following Amavata Chikitsa Sutra, Deepana, Pachana, and snehana was done. After this, for apunarbhav, bringhan chikitsa should be done.
Following treatment :
-Simhanada guggulu 2 tablets (500 mg) twice a day
-ShunthiKwatha (20ml) with ErandaTaila (5ml) in morning on empty stomach.
After completion of 2 months’ therapy,
-Ashwagandha churna 2gm + Bala churna 2 gm BD for 1 month
Ama and vata are the important components in the pathogenesis of Amavata. As no disease occurs without impairment of agni ,the important issue in chikitsa is deepana and Amapachana. Deepana Pachana: As described in Amavata Chikitsa, at the start of the therapy. Deepana-Pachana was done using Eranda Taila and Shunthi Kwatha . Eranda Taila is described to be best for the treatment of Amavata , It is Katu, Ushna and Vataghna Due to its Sukshma Guna, it reaches Sandhi and breaks Doshasanghata. Shunthi is Deepana, Vibandhahara . Also due to its Pachana action, it helps in Aamapachana. Thus is helpful in Samprapti Vighatana.
Simhanada Guggulu: As a whole the qualities of drugs in Simhanada Guggulu can be considered as laghu, ruksha, ushna, tikshna 

Majority of the drugs are having vata-kaphashamaka action. Owing to this property, antagonism to kapha and ama it brings significant improvement in sign and symptom of disease.Apunarbhava and Balya Chikitsa: The disease was chronic one. The diseased state of patient leads to weakness of body and mind. Also,due to prolonged Agnimandya and Ama, Poshana gets disturbed. Thus to counteract all these problems and gain the patients bala, he was given Balya Chikitsa. As patient gains bala and the drugs are Rasayana, Rheumatoid Arthritisthere is no chance of recurrence, hence it is called as Apunarbhava Chikitsa. The drug used is Balya, Bringhana and Rasayana

Dr. Smriti Chourasia Ayurveda Clinic is an Ayurvedic clinic that has been providing comprehensive Ayurvedic care for over a decade. The clinic specializes in treating a wide range of conditions, including allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, gynecological problems, and mental health disorders. The clinic's experienced and knowledgeable practitioners use traditional Ayurvedic methods to diagnose and treat patients. Consultations are by appointment only.
We offer full cure for these disease PCOD PCOS Cyst Low AMH Infertility miscarriages Gallbladder stone cholelithiasis cholecystitis Allergy-Asthma-Urticaria-COPD , cystitis-endometriosis-adenomyosis , Psoriasis-eczema-सफेद दाग , acidity-migraine-Thyroid Reumatoid Arthritis Alopecia-Hairfall diabetes-BP-मोटाप Neurology disease, पथरी मानसिक रोग-depression-Anxiety-epilepsy ,बच्चे के शारीरिक मानसिक विकास में दिक्कतें बार-बार बीमार होना , हृदय संबंधी समस्या, Lipoma-any autoimmune disease, स्त्रि रोग-harmonal issue-कमज़ोरी कब्ज़ etc. क्लिनिक में नब्ज़ देख कर बीमारी जान कर आपकी तासीर के अनुसार आयुर्वेदिक जड़ी-बूटियों से दवाइयाँ स्वयं डॉक्टर द्वारा निर्मित की जाती है, CLINIC TIME- 11:30am to to 4:00pm,Call पर पहले Appointment लेना अतिआवश्यक है।

दक्षिण भारत के आयुर्वेदिक ज्ञान के साथ नाड़ी विशेषज्ञता का 14 वर्षों का अनुभव

Dr. Smriti Chourasia (Nadi Vaidya, BAMS, SVD, MSW, YOGA, AYURVEDIC DERMATOLOGIST, PGDVA-MEDICAL ASTROLOGER, Ayurvedic-Rheumatology- psycology- Gynecology Expert)


EMAIL- drsmritich.ayur@gmail.com

CONTACT DETAILS-8109555577  



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